Case Study - Property Introductions
The Problem
I was approached my a former client asking whether I thought his approach to handling property introductions could be improved.
During the busy season in particular, property developers/funds/propco's are inundated with a huge amount of property introductions from agents. They love receiving as much as possible so that even if they aren't interested in pursuing, they are kept abreast of the market.
However, it can become a job in and of itself to just organise and keep these introductions somewhere so that the whole team can know what is happening.
The Solution
A custom introduction tracker which uses technology to make the process as easy as possible.
When an intro is received through outlook, a plugin will send the information contained in the details off to be analysed (thanks to https://www.trakr.it) and will automatically fill out a form containing details of the property including location (co-ordinates specific), price, rent, yield introducing agent etc...
My client then confirms these details and submits it and that's it.
The process is now reduced to a 5 second job.
The data forms the basis for a feature rich, interactive website where my client can now search through all their historical introductions, compile and download schedules of assets they are interested in, track and make comments as well as view aggregate data such as breakdowns of assets by sector, introducing agency, geographical region etc...
The Result
My client has saved a massive amount of time organising introductions, and can concentrate on actually pursuing them instead. He also gets far more utility of the data provided by these introductions, and is now able to easily use that to his advantage.
It's an excellent example of identifying an issue, and solving it together using the power of technology.
If you think you have an issue that can be solved in a similar way, get in touch for a free consultation now.